Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! To my non Christian readers – enjoy the Chinese food and the movies! Will be back with more stories soon. Ho Ho Ho and all that stuff.  

Thanks Blogwise!

Many thanks to Blogwise for making Waiter Rant their “Blogwise Pick of the Week.” Little ol’ me? Thanks guys/gals! Happy Holidays!

Innkeeper’s Epiphany

The day starts off badly. Just as I am about to pull onto the highway to drive to work I hear the “thunk thunk” of a flat tire. Damn. I still have enough tire pressure to drive the five blocks back to my house. I get out the jack, slap on the donut spare, and creep...


The waitress fucked up. She told the customer the salad special is $10.95. When he gets the bill it says $12.95. He’s screaming for the manager. Tonight that’s me. “That salad has buffalo mozzarella in it. It came from Italy. Fluvio picked it up at Kennedy Airport. Do...

Hanson’s Karma

I posted this at today. It is my reaction to comments made by Steve Hanson, the CEO of BR Guest Restaurants, in the NY post article “Unsavory Kitchens.”...

Semper Fi

A hard cold rain is falling. The bistro is almost empty. I’m up front reading the paper waiting for customers. The door swings open. I feel a blast of cold wet air hit my face. A young man, about twenty one, walks in. “Are you open?” he asks. “Yes we are.” I...

Gotta Love the New York Post! The BBC too!

I was interviewed on Wednesday by the New York Post. They are doing a piece about waiters and blogging. The article should appear in the upcoming Sunday edition in the Pulse section. How about that? I don’t know how much of the article will be about my site....


It’s the day after Thanksgiving – Black Friday. The bistro is crazy busy. Almost every chair has an ass warming it. The few tables we have left are reserved for reservations. Countless walk-ins, holiday shoppers laden with packages, are being turned away. My...

Random Brokenness

It’s a slow Friday night. I’m reciting the specials on autopilot to a middle aged couple. They look bored and impatient. It’s a long list. Just as I get around to the lamb shank, Claude, one of the dozen homeless people who frequent our neighborhood, stops in front of...