Thank You!

I won the 2007 Bloggies Award for Best Writing of a Weblog. Many thanks to my fans, supporters, and everyone who voted for my website. I’m truly honored! Now I’m going to pop open that bottle of Veuve Clicquot I’ve been saving! Cheers!

Ask the Waiter – Offering the Waiter a Sip!

Dear Waiter Once in a while I like to bring a bottle of wine that I saved for a special occasion with me to a nice restaurant. I always do the requisite things: Check to see if the restaurant allows this, check the price of corkage, and tip generously for wine...

Ask the Waiter – Where’s the Server?

Dear Waiter: Your latest “Ask the Waiter” item about the lingering diners makes sense. However, on more than a few occasions I’ve found it almost impossible to get a check from my server. I’d think he/she’d be anxious for me and my wife to leave so a new party can be...

Ask the Waiter – Pimp Slap!

Dear Waiter: My girlfriend and I had a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant last night. We had such a wonderful time that we stayed for four hours. The service was good and I tipped the waiter 20%. This morning I felt out of sorts about the tip. Since my girlfriend...

Angry Waiter Video

A reader sent me this video of a waiter flipping his wig on You Tube. Very funny. No way is this kiddie/work safe. Enjoy. And no, the ranting waiter isn’t me – this time.

Ask the Waiter – Tip Creep!

Waiter, I have a tipping question for you. How do you feel about places like Starbucks and chain style sandwich shops putting out tip jars? I remember a time a few years ago when those type of places didn’t have them. I also assume that the folks working there are...