Merry Christmas and other assorted holidays! Thanks for making 2008 my Annus Mirabilis! Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy 2009!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
by waiter | Dec 24, 2008 | Uncategorized | 91 comments
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yay merry christmas to you too waiter!!
merry christmas, sugar! xox
And a very merry Christmas to you too, Waiter. Thanks for making my year a very readable one!
Santa brought me Kitchen Confidential for Christmas – will let you know which book I like better…
Kidding! If I like yours better, I’ll keep it to myself.
Merry Christmas, I’m looking forward to another year of reading your writing.
Thanks for the sharing your life with us this year its been quite entertaining! Good luck with the new book and Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Steve
and looking forward to your next book
I got your book for Christmas. Can’t wait to read it. 😀
Happy Holidays!
Gave your book to several friends in the hospitality biz for Christmas–still hoping you’ll come to Key West on your book tour. Have a Merry and a Happy, Waiter….may ’09 be just fine.
Lol..workin a double from 5:30am to 11pm on Christmas. Had to work Thxgiving also, same with New Years Eve and Day coming up. I guess having a job in today’s economy and makin money is more important than family time for these specific days. In retrospect, I’m just glad I have a cell phone to be able to chat for a half hour with my parents. That’s all they really care about, hearing my voice and knowing how much I miss them during this holiday season ;-).
what an adorable baby! Is that your nephew?
Yep, that’s my nephew. It’s his first Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Cute baby! 🙂
Merry Christmas!! Beautiful boy, your nephew!!
After Christmas dinner, I’m going to settle down with my copy of Waiter Rant!! Can’t wait!
Have a wonderful day!!
Waiter, you should ask you editor to organize a contest to win your book, but only on your blog! That would be fun for your fans!
Merry Christmas, Waiter!
WOW! What happened to it being verboten to use the words “Merry” and “Christmas” together? In these PC times all that’s allowed is “Happy Holidays!” for fear of “offending” someone. What? No illegal immigrants from ______________ who are “offended” and “have no other choice” but to move forward with a class action lawsuit because their civil/human rights have been “violated”? What is this world coming to?
WOW! What happened to it being verboten to use the words “Merry” and “Christmas” together? In these PC times all that’s allowed is “Happy Holidays!” for fear of “offending” someone. What? No illegal immigrants from ______________ who are “offended” and “have no other choice” but to move forward with a class action lawsuit because their civil/human rights have been “violated”? What is this world coming to?
I just finished reading your book this morning and it was great! I’ve never had such a good read that will make me look twice at the way i treat waiters. My father has always treated them with respect, and i intend to do the same!
Keep it up!!!!!!!!!
hey! I got your book and kitchen confidential for christmas! I’m so excited! non-stop read a thon here we go!
merry christmas! thanks for all the awesome writing!
btw… I work in a deli in a grocery store, so I know exactly where you’re coming from with the old and the crazy customers!~
Merry Christmas Waiter! I received TWO copies of your book for Christmas…so…I guess I will bless someone else with one of them! 🙂
Happy Holidays to you too Waiter!
Finally got your book,it was in a store window in Sweden! It’s really gone international.Mentioned it to a friend and he gave it to me for Christmas.It’s much thicker than I thought it would be.Can’t wait to start reading it.
Merry Christmas Waiter!
Oh and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy Whatchamacallit. Whose munchkin is that in the picture?
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
Waiter.. you have a cutie for a nephew. The first Christmas is always special. 🙂
Merry Christmas. Enjoy spending time with your family. You’ve had a great year, and I hope 2009 is even better!
Merry Christmas, Waiter!
hi waiter,
and merry christmas to you!!!:) your nephew is adorable. that is a great photo!!!
peace on earth,
just have to say, you brought new depths of appreciation (and occasionally, animosity) for my current profession.
merry Christmas waiter.
Merry Christmas Waiter. Love the blog.
Merry Christmas and congrats on, what seemed to be a great 2008 for you. Here’s to 2009!! May it be great for us all as a new hope enters the White House in January.
I totally just ovulated.
A favorite gift was WaiterRant under the tree…I found it unexpectedly poignant and touching, as well as funny & entertaining (which I DID expect). Well done; looking forward to the next!
I just bought your book at Barns & Noble. I think part of the criteria to work there is to be a prick, but the lady who helped me find it was very nice. It was on the 50% post-holiday rack. No wonder I couldn’t find it when I combed the biography section.
$12 is better than the $30 I dreamed of it being last night. Yes, I dreamed I bought Waiter Rant for $30 and it was worth it. Not that I’ve read it yet…
you know what would be cool? if you had a link in the sidebar that generated random old posts so us veteran readers (and new ones, of course) could go back to some random post and chuckle at restaurant antics of the past…. just thinkin outloud 🙂 Hope you had a nice Christmas.
That kid is still looking a whole lot like you, Writer!
What a cutie 🙂
Merry New Year, and may the year ahead be as good to you as this one was, Mr. D!!
The best wishes to ya Waiter!! May 2009 be a prosperos anos.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for the coming year to be even better than this one. And the baby is adorable and looks just like his Favorite Waiter Uncle. Is he old enough for you to teach him arm farts yet?
I just got your book on Christmas Eve, and finished it by 8 last night. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years, and it was so awesome to read more of your stories. I LOVED it, and I hope you’re planning to write another!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Just discovered your blog. You need to publish more posts! Much needed break from my stressful genre!
hope you had a good one old chap….
I just finished the book. Awesome Opossum. I really enjoyed it. I hope life smiles down upon you with favor.
Love and best wishes.
Just finished your book. Which has led me to your blog. I loved the book and now the journey can continue with your writing. WOW!
Dear Waiter,
Happy Christmas to you. Just so you know, your blog archive has reached page 100 – I know because I just finished reading all 100 pages over the holidays (I just had to read more after reading your book!)
Happy Rest-of-the-holidays!
Your book finally hit the bookshelves on the fair shores of Singapore. I will definitely buy it for my buddies in F&B.
Merry Christmas and God bless you, Waiter!
You are much loved!
Steve! Congratulations on being a smug and self-satisfied hack who has managed to parlay a 300 page diatribe about how much everyone but you sucks into a NYT bestseller! Here’s to hoping your newly found success will help to heal the decade you spent crying into your pillow and wondering why someone of such an obviously superior intellect was being forced to wait on the hoi polloi so patently unworthy to even lick the salad forks you so graciously provided. OMG you are just sooooo edgy and complex! Have a great 2009!
My husband found a copy of your book for me yesterday. I’m a waitress in a very busy small diner in a small town in a largely unpopulated state (Idaho), and I laughed my ass off all the way home from the bookstore. Thank for giving a voice to all those times we’ve all swallowed what we really wanted to say with a big cheesy smile and clenched teeth.
Happy Festivus Waiter! Hope 2009 brings you good tidings and some financial success as well.
One thought – why hasn’t higher unemployment brought better talent into the service industry? Discuss amongst yourselves…..
Thank you for saying Merry Christmas! Most will say Happy Holidays.
Прикольно, такое не часто прочитаешь. Не всякий дурак до такого додумается. Да если бы это было кому-нибудь интересно, наверное было бы больше комментариев.
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Ваш пост навел меня на думки *ушел много думать* …
Вот решил вам немного помочь и послал этот пост в социальные закладки. Очень надеюсь ваш рейтинг возрастет.
Спасибо за эту информацию, однако осмелюсь внести долю критики, мне кажется автор перестарался с изложением фактов, и статья получилась довольно академичной и “сухой”.
Спасибо. Уже не первый раз по делу пишете!)
Спасибо за эту информацию, однако осмелюсь внести долю критики, мне кажется автор перестарался с изложением фактов, и статья получилась довольно академичной и “сухой”.
Спасибо за эту информацию, однако осмелюсь внести долю критики, мне кажется автор перестарался с изложением фактов, и статья получилась довольно академичной и “сухой”.
Пропущено несколько запятых, но на интересность сообщения это никак не повлияло 🙂
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