Ask the Waiter – Tip Cooler!

Waiter, I have a question for you. While it’s not in regards to the restaurant industry, it has to do with the bar business. And, you guessed it, tipping. Within the last two years, I’ve developed some severe medical problems, mainly claustrophobia and agoraphobia,...

Right Wing Nut Jobs & Surrender Monkeys

I’m feeling a little stiff so I roll my shoulders to dispel the tension bunching my trapezius muscles. Then I take a deep breath, insert a magazine full of nine millimeter bullets into the butt of a Sig Sauer semi-automatic pistol, rack the slide to chamber a round,...

Blood & Bone

It’s Tuesday and I’m doing laundry at the laundromat. Instead of watching my dirty clothes agitate and soap inside an industrial strength washing machine I decide to run some errands. I return library books, refill a prescription, buy stamps, and mail out bills. Then...


As many of you know, Waiter Rant has been a mess since November of 2006. After an upgrade to the blogging software that runs this site, posts went missing, months of archived material were lost, and the character formatting was jumbled to the point where many of my...

Thank You!

I won the 2007 Bloggies Award for Best Writing of a Weblog. Many thanks to my fans, supporters, and everyone who voted for my website. I’m truly honored! Now I’m going to pop open that bottle of Veuve Clicquot I’ve been saving! Cheers!