
“Is all your pasta homemade?” my customer, an obvious foodie type, asks. “No sir,” I reply truthfully, “Some, not all.” “What’s homemade?” the man asks with a trace of exasperation, “I only eat homemade pasta.” I want to tell my customer he’s been infected with...

Kobayashi Maru

It’s a seven o’clock on beautiful Monday night. The Bistro’s half full and we only have a few reservations. But, after being driven indoors by a rainy weekend, the Yuppies will probably want to bust out of their Williams Sonomanized cocoons so they can narcotize the...

Closing Time

It’s closing time. The restaurant’s almost empty. My last table’s paying the bill. The cooks are breaking down the kitchen. All the other waiters have gone home. I can’t wait to get out of here. I’m exhausted and a post shift martini’s calling my name. The door...

Bride & Groom

The phone rings. “The Bistro,” I answer, “How may I help you?” “Hello, Waiter?” a familiar voice says. “Yes?” “This is Rafael, the Maitre’D at Cafe Really Expensive.” “Hey Rafael,” I reply, “How’s things?” “Slow.” “I hear ya.” “Listen,” Rafael says, “You’ve got a...

Close Quarters Battle

It’s Sunday night. Fluvio went to AC so I’m in charge. The reservation computer tells me we’re gonna be slammed. The Bistro will reach 80% capacity in one hour. That’s the problem with Sunday night. Everyone eats dinner at the same time. I...