Drive By

I’m sitting in my room typing away on my laptop when suddenly I hear tires screeching outside my house. “I fucking hate niggers!” a male voice screams. “I fucking hate them!” I leap out of my chair and run to the window. My first thought is some black guy walking down...

Digging In the Dirt

I stumbled across an interesting blog called Becoming Jennie. It’s written by a young woman named Jennifer Ketchum who used to be an adult actress and is now trying to build a brand new life. When I read it I thought of Peter Gabriel’s classic song. Check the site...

Vive La France

It’s Saturday evening and my friend Lana and I are tooling around the Lower East Side looking for a place to eat. Since it’s eight o’clock on the busiest restaurant night of the week we know we have a snowball’s chance in hell getting a table anywhere soon. “How about...

Some People Just Don’t Get It

There was a recent article in the New York Times entitled “Hey Waiter! Just How Much Extra Do You Really Expect?” In it the author, David Sax, just regurgitates the ignorant and curmudgeonly responses certain people have always had towards tipping. So read the...