Goodbye Spenser

It’s Tuesday night and I’m hungry again. But this time my larder’s stocked with food and the pickings are bountiful. I throw some rice, water, pignoli nuts and a bay leaf into my roommate’s rice cooker and turn it on. Then I break out some pork chops, trim away the...

The Privacy of Smoke

It’s a crisp winter’s night and I’m strolling though Union Square in Lower Manhattan. I’m supposed to be meeting a friend for dinner but when she texts to say she’s running late I suddenly discover I’ve got forty-five minutes to kill. So I duck into a cigar shop,...

What You Don’t Have

It’s Tuesday night and I’ve given up wrestling with words for the day. I’m tired and hungry. I toy with the idea of picking something up from a local restaurant but that costs money. So I decide to cook something for myself. Before indulging in any culinary...

The Ghost of Cain

It’s a cold Thursday afternoon and I’m at the gun range. But this time my usual shooting buddy isn’t with me. There’ll be no good-natured banter. No burgers and beers afterwards. I’m here to learn how to kill. “Ready?” the instructor, an old ex-marine, asks. A small...

Who Are The Worst Tippers?

If you’ve ever worked for tips you’ve probably formulated your own, albeit unscientific, conclusions about what kinds of people are bad tippers. Women? Doctors? Wall Street Guys? Republicans? Democrats? Country Club Wasps? African Americans? Latinos? Rich...


There was a recent post on Gawker featuring an email written by Vadim Ponorovsky, the owner of Paradou, a restaurant in the Meatpacking district, taking his employees to task for not collecting email addresses from his patrons so he could add them to some kind of...

No Tip = Handcuffs!

After getting hundreds of emails from readers about a couple in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania who got arrested for not leaving a tip I decided I had better say something about it. The first thing everyone should realize is there’s a difference between a “service...

I Need a Massage!

I’ve interviewed several massage therpaists for my book but I’ve yet to avial myself of their services. So if you’re a licensed massage therapist in the Metro NYC area and would like to be interviwed for my book while giving me a rubdown please email...

Vengeance is yours!

If you ever worked for gratuities you’ve felt the compulsion to seek revenge against bad tippers, I know I did. Sometimes I crossed the line. While I never enhanced a patron’s entree with my DNA I lost reservations, told customers that their credit cards...