I’ll be doing a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in Tribeca at 7:00 PM tonight. The address is
97 Warren St. (at Greenwich St.)
New York, NY 10007
Come on down! I’d love to meet you!
by waiter | Aug 5, 2009 | Uncategorized | 24 comments
I’ll be doing a book signing at the Barnes & Noble in Tribeca at 7:00 PM tonight. The address is
97 Warren St. (at Greenwich St.)
New York, NY 10007
Come on down! I’d love to meet you!
Come to Canada for a book signing! I can promise you at least one BIG fan, and I’ll bring my serving friends!
Is it true the 1st Transvestite [Michelle Obama] will be there to service the men? lol Oh, I know–you can’t talk about it–Secret Service rules and all 😉 lol
Hi Steve,
Just finished reading Waiter Rant and I loved every minute of it.
Good stuff — well done.
I was a coffee house worker for all of 4 months and I had a blast, but even=
one bad customer can take a toll on your soul and found myself back in the=
corporate world.
Anyhoo, I’m a great tipper.=A0 AND I’m black.=A0 I guess I’m overcompensati=
ng for all the people out there who suck. When someone sees me and I leave =
a great tip, I hope I’m doing my part to dispel a misconception.
And I agree wholeheartedly that if you can’t afford to tip, you shouldn’t b=
other dining out.
Good luck with At Your Service.
I just finished your book about an hour ago! I am a hostess at a small Italian restaurant (much more casual than ‘The Bistro’), and I loved how many of your insights and stories apply to where I work, too! As a hostess, I especially enjoyed the part about the rude man wanting the one specific table while the old woman was having a stroke! It’s pretty incredible the lengths people will go to get one particular table! When I go out to eat, I just want my food, I don’t care where I sit! I underlined some parts of the book that were uncannily similar to my restaurant, and I am now passing the book on to a couple of the other servers I work with! It was a pleasure to read! Good luck with your Tips book 🙂
I know these book signings are few and far between but one day we’ll find you a reason to come to Boston…
That is great!! Good for you, and I wish I could be there. Congratulations!
outstanding! hope a ton of books sell tonight! xox
Ah man…. I just missed you. I think I saw you walk out too. Damn. Hopefully you will do another one soon.
i would do anything if you would come to Boston for a book signing! I have been a huge fan of your work for four years!!
Funny thing is that I was at that specific Barnes and Noble on Sunday and saw that they had a display of your book on a table. I mentioned to my friend that I had your blog linked to my blog and I liked your stuff. I also bought a copy of your book. B&N did not mention that you were having a signing, at least where I could see it. FYI, before the signing, for the best coffee in Downtown, right across from B&N on Greenwich is a place called Kaffee 1668, which is the best coffee place in Manhattan. I would recommend this place, but it closes by 8 or 9.
Won’t you come to Detroit/Ann Arbor, too? 🙂
I would very much like to write a “Retail Rant” I work for Borders and whilst shelving your book opened it up to see if I wanted to check it out. I finished it in a few days. Congrats on your success! The book was an awesome read. I’ve often thought about writing a book on my retail experience, but I’ve just graduated and hopefully will be getting a nursing job asap-so I feel as though my ‘rants’ will not be as good as if I still worked in retail. Anyways-Congrats again on your success!
I just finished your book! FABULOUS! I just retired after 31 years as an English teacher; you are a GREAT writer! Come to Barnes and Noble in Hickory, North Carolina!
Keep up your wonderful writing!
I just finished reading your book. Its the best book I’ve read in a long time. Reminds me of my waitress days.
I discovered your blog and your book a few weeks ago and I am truly hooked.
I just wanted to thank you for the joy your writing has brought me. It feels great to see some of the things I’ve thought about for years in slyly-penned black and white. I’m toasting my Sideways-defying glass of merlot to you today, good sir.
What are the chances a long time fan stuck in a small town with no hope of you ever coming near her could get a book signed if she mailed it to you and paid postage back?
Um, comment 2, you’re in the wrong forum. Perhaps you should try “Red State.”
Um, comment 16, the only thing “pitiful” are the clueless Obama Drones SO positive their Fearless Leader is perfect, walks on water, has a “health” “care” “plan” that “is “best” for us”
Your “health” “care” plan AIN’T gonna happen. Why? Because Americans KNOW they will have to carry a Government Issued ID Card and from the second it’s issued until the day you die you will be REQUIRED to let any and all peace officers, federal agents etc etc swipe the card there by tracking your every movement…..
Yeah, big government is the solution….
Paranoia Much?
do come to Boston, you have lot’s of fans here!
I must say, after a long night at work reading your book may be making me more cynical about my job than I already am! I work fine dining in Ca (Not LA) and its amazing how spot on everything in your book is. Actually, its disturbing. I hope your book proves to be an eye opener to the people who are uneducated in restaurant etiquitte. I thought about lending my copy of your book to a few customers tonight. 🙂
I second the first comment: come to Canada, and make a stop in Ottawa.
Seriously. You know you want to.
As a Newbie, I am always searching online for articles that can help me like this. Thank you
Pity the honest skeptic, should ever they meet you. ,